Grammar Glossary



Active Voice / Voce Attiva –

Adjective / Aggettivo – a word or phrase that names an attribute, of a noun or noun phrase to modify or describe it.

Adverb / Avverbio – word or phrase the modifies/qualifies a verb, adverb, adjective, or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.

Agreement / Concordanza – Italian verbs must agree with the subjects person and number. Italian adjectives and articles must agree their noun.

Article / Articolo – a word that specifies the defensiveness of a noun: whether it refers to a specific definite identifiable item.

Articulated Pronoun / Pronome Articolato

Aspect / Aspetto

Auxiliary Verb / Verbo Ausiliare


Biological Sex / Sesso Biologico


Cardinal Number / Numero Cardinale

Clause / Clausola

Clitic Pronouns / I Pronomi Clitici

Conjunction / Congiunzione – word that connects two clauses or sentences, or words in the same clause.

Conjugated Verb / Verbo Coniugato – a verb form that specifies: person, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, and/or voice.

Conjugation / Coniugazione – forms of a verbs identifying Number, Person, Mood, and Tense.

Count Noun, Countable Noun / Contare il Sostantivo – Nouns the represent items that can be counted (e.g., six chairs).


Definite Article / Articolo Determinativo

Demonstrative / Dimostrativo

Dependent Clause, Subordinate Clause / Clausa Dipendente

Determiner / Determinante

Direct Object / Oggetto Diretto –



Female, Female Biological Sex / Femmina, Sesso Biologico Femminile –

Feminine, Feminine Grammatical Gender / Genere Grammaticale Femminile, Femminile

Finite Verb / Verbo Finito

First Person / La Prima Persona


Gender, Grammatical Gender / Genere, Genere Grammaticale

Gerund / Gerundio


Head Word / Lemma


Imperative Mood / Imperativo

Imperfect / Imperfetto – Verb action is not complete.

Indefinite Article / Articolo a Tempo Indeterminato

Indicative Mood/ Indicativo

Independent Clause / Clausola Indipendente

Indirect Object / Oggetto indiretto

Infinitive / Infinitivo

Interjection, Exclamation / Interiezione

Intransitive Verb / Verbo Intransitivo –




Lemma / Lemma

Lexeme / Lessema


Male, Male Biological Sex / Maschio, Sesso Biologico Maschile

Masculine, Masculine Grammatical Gender / Genere Grammaticale Maschile e Maschile

Mass Noun (Uncountable Noun) / Massa Sostantivo, Sostantivo Non Numerabile – Nouns representing things that cannot be counted. Mass nouns are often measured by mass (e.g., pints, pounds). Mass nouns do not normally have plural forms.

Modal Verb / Verbo Modale

Mood / Modo


Noun / Sostantivo, Nome

Non Finite Verb / Verbo non finito

Noun Phrase / Gruppo Nominale

Number / Numero


Object / Oggetto

Ordinal Number / Numero Ordinale – A number showing an object’s position in a group of objects (e.g., first, second, third, … / primo, secondo, terzo, …).


Participle / Participio

Part of Speech / Parte Del Discorso

Partitive / Partitivo

Past Conditional Tense / –

Past Gerund / Gerundio

Past Infinitive / Infinito Passato

Past Participle / Participio passato

Passive Voice / Voce Passiva

Past Subjunctive Tense / Passato Congiuntive

Person /Persona

Perfect Aspect / Aspetto Perfetto

Phrase / Frasee

Pluperftect / Piuccheperfetto – Past Perfect verb tense.

Plural / Plurale – Grammatical number for more than one.

Possessive / Possessivo

Predicate / Predicato –

Preposition / Preposizione

Prepositional Phrase / Sintagma Preposizionale 

Present Conditional Tense / Tempo Condizionale Presente

Present Gerund / Presente Gerundio

Present Imperative Tense / Tempo Imperativo Presente

Present Indicative Tense / Tempo Indicativo Presente

Present Infinitive / Infinitivo

Present Participle / Participio Presente

Present Subjunctive Tense / Tempo Congiuntivo Presente

Person / Persona

Personal Pronoun / Pronome Personale

Pronoun  / Pronome


Quantifier / Quantificatore


Recent Past Indicative Tense / Passato Prossimo

Reflexive Verb / Verbo Riflessivo

Remote Past / Passato Remoto


Second Person/ Seconda Persona – The listener and the verb that matches a second person subject.

Sentence / Frase

Sex / Sesso – see Biological Sex

Simple Aspect / Aspetto Semplice

Simple Present / Presente

Singular / Singolare – A subject or object that refers to only one person or thing. And a verb that matches a singular subjet.

Subject / Soggetto

Subordinate Clause / Clausole Subordinate

Subjunctive Mood / Congiuntivo


Transitive VerbVerbo Transitivo

Tense / Tempo

Third Person / Terza Persona – A subject other than the speaker or listener. And a verb that matches a third person subject.


Uncountable Noun – see Mass Noun


Verb / Verbo

Verb Phrase / Sintagma Verbale

Voice / Voce – Active Voice (subject performs the action) or Passive Voice (subject receives the action).

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